Luigi's Mansion 2 HD


Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

  • Ævintýra- og hasarleikur
  • Fyrir 3 ára og eldri
  • Nintendo
10.990 kr
Þessi vara er til á eftirfarandi stöðum..
  • Netverslun
  • Akureyri
  • Ormsson Lágmúla

Sounds like a job for Luigi!

The magical Dark Moon that hangs over Evershade Valley seems to calm the ghosts that live there. But when it suddenly breaks apart, the once-friendly ghosts become unruly! Luigi must stumble into action and find his courage to restore the Dark Moon to its rightful place in the sky.

Follow leads across a neighborhood of haunted mansions to find the missing shards of the Dark Moon. With a little help from Professor E. Gadd, you can pixelate from his bunker to your destination and get started! (Luigi will…probably be OK on the other side.)

Each mansion has a distinct vibe and tricky puzzles to solve. You’ll have to use your noodle to find your way through.

Eek! They’re everywhere! Stun ‘em and suck ‘em up to defeat them.

Use the awesome air-blasting abilities of the Poltergust 5000 to turn every room upside down and build your fortune. Spend it on equipment upgrades and stuff!