Crysis Remastered


Crysis Remastered

  • Skotleikur
  • Fyrir 16 ára og eldri
  • Crytek
6.990 kr 5.592 kr
Þessi vara er til á eftirfarandi stöðum..
  • Netverslun
  • Akureyri
  • Ormsson Lágmúla

Tæknilegar upplýsingar

The classic first person shooter from Crytek is back with the action-packed gameplay, sandbox world, and thrilling epic battles you loved the first time around.

Your Nanosuit’s speed, strength, armor, and cloaking allow creative solutions for every kind of fight.

In an ever-changing environment, adapt your tactics to dominate on battlefields ranging from frozen jungle to alien environments.

A huge arsenal of modular weaponry provides unprecedented control over play style, with options ranging from the experimental to the alien.